Epoxy Floor Tulsa | Lifetime Warranty Questions
We often get questions about the warranty on our epoxy floor Tulsa. You should know about your flooring that will be going into your garage. If you do not ask questions then you will not know what you’re getting. We want you to know the details about your epoxy floor Tulsa and especially the lifetime warranty of your garage flooring.
A lot of people in Tulsa get epoxy floor Tulsa installed in their garages and they have no idea what the warranty is. Asking questions is important in knowing what you are receiving on your garage flooring.
5 Star Rating | Epoxy Floor
The common question that we receive is:
Q: What is the warranty on your epoxy floor Tulsa for our garage?
A: The easy answer is that our epoxy floor Tulsa garage floor coating comes with a lifetime warranty.
That’s the short answer to the epoxy floor Tulsa flooring question. The long answer is much more complex. Several factors go into your lifetime warranty on your flooring in your garage. The first, and most important is that the manufacturer has a lifetime warranty on all of their garage floor epoxy floor Tulsa products.
This means that it is not just Garage Solutions of Tulsa that is giving you a lifetime warranty on your garage flooring in Tulsa, but also the manufacturer of all of garage flooring products in the Tulsa area. If for some reason if Garage Solutions of Tulsa goes out of business your epoxy floor Tulsa will still have a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer.
Epoxy Floor Tulsa | Install Process
Tulsa garage flooring
We focus very much on making sure that your epoxy floor Tulsa products are installed at least to the manufacturer’s specifications. However, in almost all situations we exceed the manufacturer’s specifications. So you know for sure that your epoxy floor Tulsa will be there for a very long lifetime.
Second thing, your lifetime warranty is non-transferable. That means is you sell your home and move then your warranty does not transfer to the new owner. This might sound unreasonable, but really, what do you care about the warranty for the next owner? You don’t really care. As long as the garage flooring lasts as long as you own the house then you will be a happy garage floor Tulsa owner.
Third, we will fix any problems that you have with your epoxy floor Tulsa as long as it is fixable. We have never ran into a situation that is not fixable yet, but it is conceivable.
Epoxy Floor Tulsa | 5 Star Reviews
We had one situation where an epoxy floor Tulsa garage floor owner had dropped something excessively heavy on the garage floor. We believe that it is an anvil or something very heavy. A piece of the garage floor and the concrete chipped out of the garage floor.
In a situation like this, the epoxy floor Tulsa was still bonded to the garage floor that was chipped away. The piece of garage concrete was in the customer’s hand and our epoxy floor Tulsa was still bonded to the concrete. We believe that this was an amazing testament to our epoxy floor Tulsa products.
However, even in this situation, where our epoxy floor Tulsa did not fail, we were will able to still help the home owner out. We mixed up a bit of our epoxy floor Tulsa and patched the garage flooring. We did not charge home owner at all for the garage flooring repair. The home owner was very happy with Garage Solutions of Tulsa and our flooring service.
Garage Organization Tulsa
Best garage floor
Epoxy Floor Tulsa | Greatest garage flooring
Garage Flooring Tulsa | Garage organization
Garage Flooring Tulsa | Garage organization 2
The reason that we are able to offer a lifetime warranty on our epoxy floor Tulsa products is because we do all of the preparation work correctly. You can read more about our preparation process here – https://www.garage.solutions/articles/epoxy-floor-tulsa-answers-common-questions/
The reality is that if we did not do our preparation work correctly on your garage floor then your epoxy floor Tulsa will fail. An epoxy floor Tulsa failure are almost always due to poor preparation. We do not all our crews to cut any corners. We painstakingly follow every preparation rule to the letter to ensure that your floor in Tulsa will last forever. If we do this correctly then we have a chance of offering you a lifetime warranty.
The next thing that allows us to offer a lifetime warranty on your epoxy floor Tulsa is that we use superior products. Every garage flooring company in the Tulsa area says that they have the best products; however, none of them offer you a lifetime warranty. If they really had superior products then they should be able offer you a lifetime warranty on your garage floor… but they do not. What does that tell you?
We utilize a product that only Garage Solutions of Tulsa can offer in the Tulsa area. We have a franchise that ensures that only Garage Solutions of Tulsa can sell Monkey Bars garage flooring in the region. https://garagesolutionstulsa.com/garage-floor-coating
The flooring product that we utilize is called polyurea. Polyurea is very similar to epoxy, but with a couple of very prominent differences.
- Polyurea is 4 to 20 times harder than epoxy. Epoxies are often known as “rubberized flooring”. This is because epoxies are very soft. Not polyurea. Polyurea is very hard and extremely resilient.
- Polyurea is 100 percent Ultra-violent (UV) stable. This means that in 100 percent of situations that our epoxy floor Tulsa will not yellow. All epoxies will yellow and discolor over time. This means that you cannot install our floor coating outside. However, Garage Solutions of Tulsa’s polyurea product can be put anywhere, inside, outside, garages, warehouses, etc. you will never run the risk of a garage floor yellowing.
- Polyurea looks the same as epoxy. It has the same beautiful colors and shine. Polyurea mixes very similar to epoxy and even installs almost the same way.
- Polyurea is the same product that the United States Navy utilizes on the outside of their battleships. This is because polyurea is such a strong and resilient product.
Garage Solutions of Tulsa is the only epoxy floor Tulsa installer that will give you a lifetime warranty of your garage floor in the Tulsa area. So if you want the best then you need to call the best. The best is Garage Solutions of Tulsa.